Young Scot

Tell Us: Share Your Thoughts on Young Scot Rewards

Earn 150 pts
Lifestyle Limited time Entries Closed On 31-Aug-2024 23:59  
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We want to know your thoughts on Young Scot Rewards!

Who can take part?

  • Those aged 11-­25 years old   
  • Those living in Scotland
  • It doesn’t matter if you have a Young Scot National Entitlement Card or not 

Who is running this survey?

This survey is being carried out by Anne who is a University of Edinburgh student and as part of her studies is working with Young Scot to help us understand people's views on Young Scot Rewards. 

Take the survey and you'll earn 150 Young Scot Rewards Points for sharing your thoughts. Your points code will be available at the end of the survey. 

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