Young Scot

Submit: Tell the National Library of Scotland About the Books That Have Inspired You at National Library of Scotland

Earn 25 pts
Make a Difference Age Restricted  

In 2025 the National Library of Scotland is 100 years old and to celebrate, they are planning a year filled with events and activities - this is your chance to get involved. 

National Library of Scotland is asking you to share the books and publications that you love. Some of these will feature in their exhibition next summer, celebrating books and the value of libraries around the country.

In the survey you'll be asked about what books you love and why they are special to you. The books can be novels, cookbooks, poetry books and any other type of book that has inspired you. You'll also be asked about libraries and what you love about them.

Take the survey here for your chance to be featured in an exhibition in 2025. 

Looking for inspiration to explore your connection with books? Workshops taking place in September will help you explore creative writing via fun and creative exercises that will help you express what a special book means to you. Workshops are open to those aged 16+ and you can sign up for Edinburgh on Friday 6 September and for Glasgow on Tuesday 10 September.

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About National Library of Scotland

The National Library of Scotland is a reference library with world-class collections. It is also Scotland's largest library and one of the major research libraries in Europe. Collections range from rare historical documents to online journals, covering every subject. They specialise in Scotland's knowledge, history and culture.

To find more about National Library of Scotland, click here