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Read: Learn how to use your voice with Project Change's Toolkit at Project Change

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Learn how to use your voice with Project Change and their Toolkit

The Toolkit is a do-it-yourself booklet designed to support anyone to use voice safely and powerfully. It takes you on your own unique journey, exploring important ideas about identity and belonging self-care, participation, story, voice and listening. These are all really important for getting involved in anything and for understanding your own thoughts and feelings. It’s meant to support you to be aware of what your saying, and why you want to say it so people don’t just think of you as one label but as all of you.

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About Project Change

ProjectChange is a community-based charity, creating by care experienced people to support others to live fulfilled lives. ProjectChange is bringing together people with different perspectives, experiences, and knowledge, to create an inclusive and collaborative community where people's individual voices are respected, heard and empowered. We create tools that help people empower themselves, learn to use their own voices, and be who they want to be.

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