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Acair stocks a wide range of titles in Scottish Gaelic and English including books about Scotland, history, nature and social issues
Faigh 10% far am prìs leabhraichean aig Acair. Briog air 'Get now' agus cleachd an còd lùghdachaidh nuair a tha thu a' pàigheadh.
Tha Acair a ’stòradh raon farsaing de thiotalan ann an Gàidhlig agus Beurla, a’ toirt a-steach leabhraichean mu Alba, eachdraidh, nàdar agus cùisean sòisealta.
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About Acair
Tha Acair air 500 tiotal fhoillseachadh bho thòisich sinn ann an 1977. Tha ar liosta fada, ach comharraichte. Tha e na chudromas dhuinn a bhith a' brosnachadh cànan agus cultar na Gàidhlig, ach tha gu leòr dà-chànanach agus Beurla againn cuideachd. Nach toir sibh sùil?
Acair has published more than 500 titles since we were set up and has played an important role in developing and preserving the Scottish Gaelic language and culture. The list of our books is long, but distinguished. We have many bilingual books on a variety of topics as well as English-only books. We love nothing more than telling a good story! Why not have a browse?
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